Thrive - Healing Center for Gifted & 2E

Welcome to Thrive

I am here to help children, teens and adults get unstuck from situations or behavioral patterns that are not working for them. I do my best to develop a caring, collaborative and supportive relationship with all my clients. It is my mission to help all my clients better understand who they are, who they wish to be, and learn tools to better care for themselves so they can lead fuller and more satisfying lives.

I have extensive experience working with trauma and recovery, anxiety, depression, and neurodiverse people. I love to work with folks others may consider incessantly curious, perfectionist, quirky, emotionally intense and sensitive, and those who learn differently. I am myself intensely curious about the barriers at play for bright, gifted and twice-exceptional folks and committed to helping them Thrive.

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There is so much value and focus placed on intelligence in our society and it alone is often regarded as the ultimate predictor of success. Regrettably, smarts alone are not enough to help a person succeed in school, work, and relationships. For many of my clients, the challenges lie in their asynchronous development and the higher the intellect and/or gift, the bigger the gaps in development or sensitivity. My first task is to understand the uniqueness of who sits in front of me so the strategies and tools for self-management and self-care are lasting and meaningful.

I offer individual, sibling, parent-child, parent coaching, and family sessions. I am a certified TEAM Cognitive Behavioral Therapist and have training in a range of models including mindfulness and body-based interventions. As such, I integrate a range of models to best meet the individual needs of my clients. My general approach is a holistic mindfulness-based intervention, which incorporates TEAM cognitive behavioral therapy, social thinking, aspects of DBT, insight-oriented psychodynamic therapy, yoga and sensory integration. I invite you to explore my website to learn more about me and the services offered at my practice.

New Groups & Workshops Starting Soon

Friendship Club: A Social Opportunity for Gifted & 2e Middle School Girls
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Social Emotional Response & Support for Families Learn more

Social Responsibility Statement

It is my lifelong commitment to honor the humanity and dignity of others, celebrating the uniqueness of each person, and creating a safe space for each person to be seen and heard without judgment, while simultaneously recognizing that group identity impacts individual wellbeing and that the imprints of colonialism, racism and oppressive systems and ideologies cause direct harm such as trauma and deeply ingrained self-defeating patterns for BIPOC and other marginalized groups. I am committed to prioritizing these needs in therapy and to serve as an unrelenting advocate for anti-racism and anti-oppression practices in my work, all my relationships, my community and at a societal level.

Contact us for a free 15-minute phone consultation

We invite you to spend some time getting to know us through our site and contact us if you wish to get started with a free 15-minute phone consultation.